Sedation dentistry is a type of treatment that dentists use to help patients relax during dental procedures. It’s common for patients to feel anxious or nervous when they go to the dentist, and sedation dentistry can help calm those nerves.  

    Sedation dentistry is the practice of using sedatives to relax patients during dental procedures. The sedatives can be administered orally, intravenously, or inhaled. The type of sedation used depends on the procedure that is about to be performed and the patient’s level of anxiety.  

    At Toothday Family Dentistry, we can use sedation dentistry to facilitate various procedures, including tooth extractions, dental implants, root canals, crowns, bridges, and more. If you fear the dentist or have severe dental anxiety, then sedation dentistry may be what you need to make you more comfortable.

    Types of Sedation Dentistry 

    Oral Sedation 

    This type of sedation involves taking a pill before your treatment. It will make you drowsy but won’t put you to sleep. You will still be awake during the procedure but feel very relaxed. 

    Intravenous Sedation 

    With this type of sedation, the sedative is administered directly into your bloodstream through an IV. This form of sedation will relax you more than oral sedation. This type of sedation is usually reserved for more prolonged procedures such as wisdom teeth removal. You will be asleep during the process and have no memory of the procedure afterward.

    Nitrous Oxide Sedation 

    Nitrous Oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a mild sedative used in dentistry for decades. It is administered through a mask that fits over your nose and mouth. Our dentist in Alton, Donna, & McAllen, TX will administer the nitrous oxide to you during your procedure. As you breathe in the gas, it relaxes you and makes you feel calm and comfortable. You will still be awake during the process but will feel no pain. Once the procedure is over, the dentist will remove the mask, and you will return to normal.

    General Anesthesia 

    This is the strongest type of sedation available. You will be completely unconscious during your procedure and feel no pain. Because of this, you will need someone to drive you home after the process is complete.

    The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry 

    Sedation dentistry in Alton, Donna, and McAllen, TX, allows our dentists to work more efficiently because the patient will be more relaxed. This also allows them to complete procedures more quickly, benefiting you and your dentist.

    Another benefit of sedation dentistry is that it reduces anxiety in patients. When anxious, patients tend to move around more, making it difficult for the dentist to do their work. With sedation dentistry, the patient is more relaxed and less fidgety, making it easier for the dentist to complete the procedure. 

    Finally, sedation dentistry can help to reduce pain and discomfort for patients. This is especially important for patients with sensitive teeth or who experience much pain during dental procedures. 

    Sedation dentistry is safe and can help you receive the care you need without stress or worry. To learn more about sedation dentistry, visit Toothday Family Dentistry at Alton, Donna, and McAllen.


    1315 W. Main Ave, Suite 10, Alton, TX 78573

    Phone: (956) 391-1616


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    309 N Salinas Blvd, Donna, TX 78537

    Phone: (956) 461-2424


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    4800 S 23rd Street, Suite 11, McAllen, TX 78503

    Phone: (956) 683-1600


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